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WBEA Strategic Plan

Our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan serves to outline the current operational vision of the WBEA, along with initiatives and milestones to support future growth.
View Plan

Community Reporting

The WBEA publishes annual reports to keep everyone living and working in the RMWB informed about the organization, as well as a summary of outdoor air quality, in both web-based and .PDF formats. The WBEA also shares information through various media which can be accessed here.
Annual Reports Media

Contract Reporting

The WBEA routinely files reports which address contract requirements. Documents in this section include quarterly progress reports and annual financial statements. The WBEA’s financial statements are compiled by an independent financial auditing firm.
Financial Statements Progress Reports

Regulatory Reporting

Throughout the year, the WBEA files various reports to satisfy its regulatory mandate. Documents in this section include monthly data reports, and comprehensive Ambient Air Monitoring Data Annual Reports.
Monthly Annual

Air Monitoring Trends

The WBEA developed a website allowing users to visually compare air quality data annually and to view data trends over time.


A list of journal articles published on behalf of the WBEA featuring data collected from WBEA environmental monitoring programs.
Published Journals

Site Documents

View and download descriptive technical information for each site within the WBEA’s Ambient Air Monitoring (AAM) network. Documents include geographic and locational information, monitoring equipment lists, and 5-year windrose data for each site.
WBEA Site Docs